Reviews and Rating System


The books I choose to read are mostly decided by couple of reviews on , general ratings, recommendations from other friendly boys and girls or just a nice cover. I don’t think only widely recognized books can be good. Discovering gems amongst the grey mass is exciting.

I'm actively participating in the ARR (Authors-Requesting-Reviews) Program. I’ll be happy to help out new and debut-authors by trading a copy of the book for a honest and thorough review on my blog, on, and other sites suggested. I'm also always ready to participate in Book Tours, Guest Blogs etc.

I like a really wide variety of books, but recently I’ve started to prefer books in Young Adult (Adult), Fantasy, Romance, Magic, Urban Fantasy, Paranormal genres. (I do like occasional Classic Literature, Supernatural, Gothic, Mystery, and Horror as well.)

It's not necessary to have read the books before reading my reviews, but sometimes it'll help you to understand better, what I meant with certain quotes or thoughts. I won't add spoilers of the ending or anything other similarly unpleasant. You might however find out more than you wished  anyway, so proceed by you own risque.

I tend to finish started books, but I won’t force myself with a particularly wrong book for my taste. Life is too short for books I don’t like :) If the review ends up being on a negative side I can check with the author before publishing it.

Series are a bit trickier. Only recently I decided to start doing reviews on the next installments as well. I didn't like reviewing a book with already a familiar vibe, but the scarcity  of time forced me to cherish every read book. And I've discovered I actually like it. Gives me a chance to shred the universe to threads and analyze it until I'm satisfied.

I mostly read eBooks, occasional audiobooks. I prefer .mobi or .epub.

Finally, I feel the need to state, than I have never, in any way been paid for the reviews I've written. They are 100 % my own thoughts and fully written by myself, granting the honesty and objectivity.

If you’re interested in getting your book reviewed by me, email me at hotcoffeebooksandchocobar(at)gmail(dot)com or just leave a comment here!

REVIEW SYSTEM aka What do my reviews consist of?

I don't have a good access to paperbacks so I mostly use ebooks. That said, I won't be looking at the quality of the pages, binding, publishing company etc. I have mentioned covers, usually when they're exceptionally well done or sometimes the exact opposite.

I also usually won't include the synopsis of the book.  It's easy enough to find the summary anywhere in the Internet, I won't waste yours nor my own time copy-pasting it here.

I will state my honest opinion of the book. I like writing my reviews between reading the chapters, so they sometimes tend to be a bit long and rambling. I simply don't want to lose the feelings I had while reading.

I will also add my personal rating at the beginning of every review and I'll also add a picture of the cover.


1* - absolute waste of time. If I managed to finish the book, I probably skipped parts of it. I won't  recommend it to anyone. Very drastic and not often used, but I will if I see the need to.
2* - I finished it, but
there wasn't anything particularly good. Something was missing from the book, and it quietly melted into the masses.
3* - the book had pretty good parts, but the not so good ones weighed it over. It kept me reading well enough. In case of series, I might consider continuing.
4* - it was good! The characterisation was good and the setting interesting. There were very good and strong parts, but at times the tension left the scene, leaving it a bit dragging. I still recommend it.
5* - I loved almost every page of the book! I recommend it to everyone. The author has managed to capture the spark, making the book an unique, fun and absolutely captivating ride. Perfect grade is not granted lightly, but I tend to love books a lot!

- recently I started adding that little heart after the books, that made me fall face first into my bed, pound my pillow and squeal very girlishly. Probably no literary masterpiece, but it just struck the chord with me. I'll read it again! It's based purely on my own personal enjoyment and has nothing to do with the overall quality of the writing.

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